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Mozart Sonata for Two Pianos, K. 488

A giraffe wearing a polka dot bow tie

bows next to a watermelon carriage

Hop on

Get inside

It's rolling

Sliding on the buttery road

Bouncing with the toasty seeds

The trees are strolling around like mermaids

A gingerbread man is playing celesta

The mushrooms are whistling

The giraffe bit off the roof

A four-leaf clover dropped in

We are floating

in the air

The lemons are swinging

A little boat is wiggling

A hammock is covered

with cherry blossom petals

A turtle is drinking mojito

upside down

The giraffe is peeking from the roof hole

The watermelon starts spinning


The pine nuts are dancing

with shiny stars

The sun is bathing

in the lake

Jump off the carriage

Make a toast

C'est la vie

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